Tuesday, July 12, 2016


This week has been awesome! It has been full of amazing miracles, and it is such a pleasure to see those miracles take place here in Thailand. 

 Dinner with my number 1 President Tiger

The Work: 
This week has been really special for me. Every week you want to give it your very best because you only have a couple of years to be that "crazy Mormon missionary." I love being that crazy white dude who speaks Thai. Hahahahah it is really special. Elder Young was pretty sick this week, but don't worry Mom, he doesn't have Dengei Fever, and he is alive and well. 

Classic district picture with Brother ปอ

We got a killer new investigator this week - his name is ต้อง (Dong), and he is a stud. He is officially the tallest KhonThai I have ever met (at a towering 6'2)... this is Asia people... to have a man taller than 5'7 is a miracle hahahahahaha. Brother Dong is a stud - he teaches physics at the nearby school. He doesn't know about Jesus Christ, but he is learning. 

Brother Dong

It is so much fun introducing Heavenly Father to these people. It is very stressful - very emotionally jarring especially when they say that God doesn't exist and that we are kidding ourselves - but it is worth it to help others understand and FINALLY realize that they have someone they can turn to. It is such a gift. Please keep Brother Dong in your prayers. Pray that he will understand how to pray and do it every day. I am sure that will help. You guys ROCK! 

In other news, I got a picture of Nathan Peterson, Mitchell Child, and James Havell all back from their missions - welcome home gents -  I miss you guys. Please don't get too crazy with the ladies so that I may have a chance at attending someone's wedding ok? ;) 

The Culture: 
The males of this country love to relax in the internet stores. If you ever want to find a young adult ages 12-19 who is a male.... walk to a dark internet cafe and you will see him online playing a rip-off of World of Warcraft. This is very sad to me and makes my heart depressed. Please please please all of you priesthood holders listen to this: If you are spending more time on the xbox/computer/gameboy advance SP than you are spending with your family or with other human beings.... you have entered into a virtual universe that means more to you than real people. And that is not right. That is not the way it should be - religious or not. Rise from the dust gentleman and get off the couch. (Pump up music inserted here!) 


Some sick Lao fabric I bought today

Oh look... Lao
Mom comment:  In the U.S, we call Laos, “Laos.”  In Thailand, they call it “Lao.”

Oh also  - there was a wedding this week...

The Funnies: 
I ate some cool things this week - including a fish eye. It was quite gross, but I wanted the experience. I made sure it was cooked first. I cooked it myself. 


Spiritual Thought: 
My family and friends, today I have to apologize. I have not adequately prepared spiritually to share a thought. I am praying right now, but nothing is coming to me... In this case, I would like to share one of my favorite scriptures found in 2 Nephi 4:19: "And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted." Whether we understand this principle or not, we are all children of a Heavenly Father who have agreed to an eternal plan. In that plan, we all rooted for the same team and the same captain. Jesus Christ was our leader. In this life, he is our advocate and our redeemer. And we, all human beings no matter whether they know of this plan or not, have chosen this path because we believe in justice and mercy. We all have trusted in God before. So my dear brothers and sisters.... let us put our trust in Him again. 

God bless you all. I can't WAIT to email you guys next week. 

Love the Lord and Laugh, 
เอ็ลเดอร์ สมีธ-ดริกส์

Elder Smith-Driggs  

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